Suggested Resources

The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

Capella Resources

Click the links provided to view the following resources:


Library Resources

The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

Course Library Guide

A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the PSYC-FP4110 – Positive Psychology Library Guide to help direct your research.

Assessment Instructions

Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the sequence in which they are presented. You will need to complete Assessments 1–3 before beginning Assessment 4.

For this assessment, apply principles of positive psychology to a setting of your choice from the list below. Choose a setting for which you have a personal or professional interest, as this will strengthen the relevance of this assessment for you.

Write a 4–6-page paper in which you provide the following. Use the APA Paper Template, available in the Resources, to properly format your assignment. Use the headings outlined below to organize your paper.

Be sure to include supportive evidence from scholarly articles and to cite all scholarly sources where appropriate. Your writing should be scholarly and professional, using proper APA formatting and style.

Additional Requirements

Positive Psychology Applied to Institutions Scoring Guide

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting. Does not address the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting. Addresses the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting but does not analyze. Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting.Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting; makes recommendations for future considerations. 
Support analysis of positive psychology applications with scholarly sources or examples.Does not identify relevant scholarly sources. Identifies relevant scholarly sources but does not use them to support the analysis. Supports analysis of positive psychology applications with scholarly sources. Supports analysis of positive psychology applications with scholarly sources; incorporates real-world examples to strengthen the analysis or illustrate a point. 
Explain the relevant applications of principles and concepts within a specific setting.Does not explain applications of principles and concepts within a specific setting. Explains applications of principles and concepts, but the explanation lacks relevance to a specific setting. Explains the relevant applications of principles and concepts within a specific setting. Explains the relevant applications of principles and concepts within a specific setting; identifies assumptions on which relevancy is based. 
Describe potential uses of positive psychology principles in a specific environment.Does not identify potential uses of positive psychology principles in a specific environment. Describes potential uses of positive psychology principles but not in relation to a specific environment. Describes potential uses of positive psychology principles in a specific environment. Describes potential uses of positive psychology principles in a specific environment; identifies areas for further inquiry. 
Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.Writing does not support a central idea and does not use correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional. Writing supports an idea but is inconsistent and contains numerous errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing coherently supports a central idea with few errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing is coherent, using evidence to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics, as expected of a psychology professional. 
Successfully implement APA style.Does not apply proper APA formatting and style. Written communication is adequate but has some APA errors and inconsistencies. Successfully implements APA style with only minor errors in format. Applies scholarly writing skills and uses proper APA formatting and style in the body of the paper and references list. 
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