New Testament Survey Study Guides: Module/Week 2

Derived from the class text book, The Essence of the New Testament: A Survey (2016),

and the New Testament documents.

Chapter 5

Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven

1.      Who exactly was Matthew, the author of the Gospel of Matthew (ENT, 54–56)?

2.      Matthew most likely wrote to ______  Christians from about _____to_____ (ENT, 57–60).

3.      According to Matthew, certain events in Jesus’ life were a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies (cf. Matt 1:22; 2:15, 17, 23; 4:14–16; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35; 21:4; 26:53–54; 27:9).

4.      Matthew traces Jesus’ lineage back to two very significant OT persons (Matt 1:2, 6, 17). Who were they and why are they significant (ENT 56–57; 63–64)? 

5.      Describe the term gospel (ENT, 60–61).

6.      How does Matthew depict Jesus’ supreme authority (57)?

7.      Matthew is the only Gospel that mentions the ______ (ekklēsia) by name (Matt 16:18).

8.      The key word in Matthew is __________ (ENT, 61).

9.      Know the key verse in Matthew.

10.  Matthew may be organized around Jesus’ five sermons (62; 66). Name each major sermon, citing the precise texts where they are located.

Chapter 6

Mark: The Divine Servant

1.      Identify the author of the Gospel according to Mark (72–73).

2.      Mark wrote his Gospel around AD______ (74).

3.      Mark’s original recipients were ____  Christians (73).

4.      What is the goal of Mark’s message (77).

5.      The key word in Mark is “__________” (Gk, eutheōs; 71).

6.      Know the key verse in Mark (10:45).

7.      Describe the unique features of Mark’s Gospel (78–79).

8.      Describe how Mark emphasizes the supernatural nature of Jesus Christ.

a.      God’s declaration (1:11)

b.      Jesus has authority to forgive sin (2:5)

c.       Evil spirits cry out “you are the Son of God” (3:11)

d.      He is the “Son of the Most High” (5:7)

e.       He raised Jairus’ daughter (5:40–42)

f.       At the Transfiguration, God declares “This is my Son . . . .” (9:2–7)

9.      Know the following: Jesus predicts his death and resurrection (8:31–32; cf. 9:9–12, 30–31; 10:32–34), fulfilling his prediction and purpose (10:45) when he rose from the dead (16:6–7)!

Chapter 7

Luke: The Son of Man

1.      Discuss how both the internal and external evidence point to Luke as the author of the third Gospel (83–85).

2.      Who is specified as the recipient of Luke’s Gospel (85)?

3.      When did Luke most likely write his Gospel (86–87)?

4.      The key word in Luke is “_________” (Gk. laos).

5.      Luke emphasizes Jesus Christ as the perfect __________ and ______ of all mankind (83).

6.      Know the key verse in Luke’s Gospel (19:10).

7.      Describe how Luke is the most comprehensive Gospel (88).

8.      Describe how Luke is the most universal Gospel (88–89).

9.      Luke mentions more historical events than do the other Gospels (89).

10.  Describe how Luke is the individual gospel (89).

11.  Describe how Luke is the lowly gospel (89).

12.  Describe how Luke is the forgiving gospel (90).

13.  Describe how Luke is the prayerful gospel (91–92).

14.  Describe how Luke is the worshipful gospel (92).

15.  Luke emphasizes the role of women more than the other Gospels (92–93; cf. Luke 2:36–38; 7:11–17; 8:1–3; 10:38–4213:10–17; 21:1–4).

16.  Describe how Luke is the Holy Spirit gospel (93).

17.  Describe how Luke is the parable gospel (93–95).

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